FAQ Questions on the Free Basic Counselling Skills Course.

🔭Answers For All FAQ Questions on the Free Basic Counselling Skills Course

  • Why This Course?
    To Create Awareness on Counselling to Everyone (CSR Project)
  • Why Free?
    Initiated as a CSR Project to Make History and Revolution ( We are a Non Profit Professional Association too.
  • Is it for Publicity?
    It is a Public Event and we work for the Betterment of the Society to Obviously answer is YES.
  • Certificate Validity?
    This is the project iniitiated By CPC and the Association issues the Certificate. (Its a Short Course By CPC).
  • Will i get CPC Membership?
    No, this is a CSR Project and also its not easy to become a CPC Member
  • Free Basic Counselling Skills Course Instructions Step By Step.
    1. Follow the Lectures / Training Online (4 to 5 sessions)
    2. After completing the Free Basic Counselling Course Each Individual Participant will get an Invitation to Join the Free Convocation on 31st August @ palekelle International Stadium
    3. When the participant gets the invitation they can choose either to come to the event or not (Optional).
    4. By 31st of August whether participants come or not the PDF copies of the certificate will be sent accordingly .
    5. Those who Come for the Event on 31st will get a Certificate in Basic Psychology & Certificate in Gnosis Course Entry Absolutely Free